Whom heard my cry
When I fall over n over
who was there to lift
When I start moving out
Whose eyes watched over
Who there to hold me
when I was tired
Who was there to stop
When I broke the rules
Whoelse there to scold
whenever I was wrong
Who was much happier
when I was happy
Who cared
when my face gloom
Who saw me need a rest
When i was busy all day
Who pointed the best
when i couldn't make it
Who loved to see me try
Whenever i was not the best
Who are there to count
how many times they reminded
Who was waited till you return
Whenever you were gone
When you were sad
Who had a sword in their heart
When you wanted to say
Who had the time to hear
When you needed
Who had the will to give
How can you ever think
to return the given
when what you have is
result of the love.