Tips for effective computing
We use computers especially internet on a daily basis and most of us start by typing www. But if you know the web site you need not type the full. E.g. .for you can type google followed by Ctrl + Enter. For quick access you can bookmark sites using “ADD Favourites / Bookmarks’. Recently browsed sites will appear as you type first letter in the address bar, there you can use arrow key to select the site. Always be sure that you are on the correct site by checking http or https as used by the original site. If you need a site quickly over a slow connection, you can try mobile site by adding ‘m.’ before the website address. Ctrl + Enter will take you to yahoo mobile site which will be fast as the page size is less.
On entering Google, if you login, your searches will be saved, which will be useful for later searches as you can see ‘Web History’. If you need to look for a particular word like MSc C&B, you must use “MSc C&B“ (double quotes). If need a particular file type like .ppt then use the key word ‘filetype:ppt’ before the search term. E.g. filetype:ppt Recession will list only .ppt files. If need a definition for any thing then use keyword ‘define:’ before the search term. Need a calculator ?, type the calculation in mathematical form e.g. (11*8501)/(65*32)+56. To check spelling you can type the word and if it is not correct google returns the correct spelling next to ‘Did you mean:’. Google acts as a convertor too, type 1USD in INR gives conversion of 1US $. Like wise, 1 pound in Kg, 1 mile in Km etc. For scholarly texts use ‘Scholar’ tab on the left top. There is a Books search also. You can also find different Google products on the ‘More’ tab. As there are scores of products like translate, blogs etc. Check it out.
If you need to open several results of a search, hold Ctrl key and click on the link and the link will be open as a new tab. To easily switch between several tabs use Ctrl+Tab keys. To add a new tab use Ctrl+T. To view any web page on the full screen use the key F11 and to return press Esc. If you need to increase the font size or zoom press Ctrl + + and to zoom out Ctrl + - . As you search for a term it will be highlighted in the search results in Google but if you need to quickly find the term in the present pages use Ctrl+F, and type the word you want to find. If you need to search for image use image search and you can select the pixel size, the higher the best image. And also you can select the image colour of your choice.
Google helps to send the message easier as you start to type the email id, if it was saved, will be shown then you can click it to use. Be careful to use Cc(Carbon copy) and Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) fields. Cc will show the email ids of all to whom the mail goes but Bcc will not shown the details of receivers to whom it is sent. As if you are forwarding an email to many, it’s better to insert ids in Bcc so that the receiver doesn’t see your mail list. Be careful while pressing ‘Enter’ sends the data/mail. Better to type the body first and after that add email ids. Likewise you can undo sent mail by activating ‘Undo Sent’ from mail settings.
You can press Ctrl or Shift keys while selecting, to attach multiple files in a single selection. To arrange emails and to sort there are the filters and labels. Old mails can be archived to free inbox and if you need old ones you can search or click All mail . You can search by file extensions or names in Search mail. Once deleted mails can be found in Bin/Trash as it will be permanently deleted after 30 days only. In order to check whether someone else opens your mail you can monitor Last Account Activity of your Gmail account. The I. P Address is unique and our college I P is Any unauthorized activity can be traced through the Details section where you can see the last 10 activities. If you doubt you can click sign out all other session tab and you should change your password. I felt this as the most helpful service as the security is concerned. No other email provider provides this too. Same way it is always better to set recovery email id or mobile number with Google account, so that you can easily reset password.
You can add to-dos on ‘Tasks’. Calendar can remind you of events/ Birthdays through email. You can also share your MS Office documents with friends on ‘Documents’. You can view many file formats with out downloading using ‘View’ next to Download on attachments. To save a web page for future reference it can be done by ‘add bookmark’, Save page from file menu or you can save using print command and select printer name to PDF Creator or Microsoft Office Document Imager.
While saving files be sure that you don’t delete the extension (the last three or four letters after . in a file name. e.g. .txt, .pdf, .doc ), which identifies and opens the file. In case you forget where you save a file after closing it, just take Start >My Recent Documents> (The file will be there). If you need to open click it and if you need to know where it is right click and click ‘properties’, which will show ‘Find Target’ clicking will open the file containing folder. Using the ‘Search’ from ‘Start’menu also find files. Same way ‘Recent’ in MS Word, Excel, power point, Paint etc helps to find recently open files.
Keep antivirus update. Scan all pen drives before use on any computer. If any pen drive doesn’t open take ‘Run’ from ‘Start’ and type the drive letter, e.g. If F Drive type F: or click the drop down arrow from ‘My Computer’ and select the drive. To select all Ctrl + A, and to copy Ctrl + C, to cut Ctrl + X, to paste Ctrl + Vand to undo Ctrl + Z. But by using mouse to paste be sure that you paste the file not the link. Same way you can easily copy a file to pen drive by right clicking on the file and selecting ‘Send To’ > pen drive. Alt + Tab will switch between all open programs on your computer, same way Ctrl + Tab will switch between Tabs in the browser and sheets of a work book in excel etc. Before closing the browser ensure that you are signed out. In public computers it is advised to delete cookies by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Delete Keys and tick the boxes and press ok.
Dennis George † © Véræŋä9 ®